Tat Tvam Asi.

"You are That", says the Chandogya Upanishad of the Sama Veda.

This blog is an expression of my ignorance - the random thoughts, scribbles, doodles, confusions, inspirations, and opinions that are manifested by my mind. I would like to believe that I am seeking The Truth. Am I?

I am of the opinion that most of us are like the young man Shvetaketu, who is represented by the Upanishad as the quintessential seeker of Truth. In his quest, the veil of ignorance is eventually removed to reveal what is already there - the ultimate knowledge of the Self, The Truth.

I start this blog, while contemplating on the many questions posed to him by is father, Uddalaka, who realised that the boy was proud, conceited and considered himself 'learned'. The first question to contemplate upon is

1. What did you really learn? Did you ask for that instruction by which:

  • that which is not heard, becomes heard,
  • that which is not thought, becomes thought and
  • that which is not known becomes known?"

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